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In-person Office Sessions
with Eric Cooper

Address your specific patterns of tension.

The most empowering and transformative changes
in muscle tension control
happen with a
hands-on, assisted, private session.

“There’s literally a whole other dimension to this
when I’m working with you in-person.”

-J., Life Coach


“The direct, hands-on method for teaching voluntary control of the neuromuscular system to persons suffering involuntary muscular disorders. It is the most advanced system known for relieving chronic disorders which are untreatable by either medical or traditional therapeutic means.” -Thomas Hanna, PhD. The originator of Somatics

I have taken it further than Hanna.

You don’t fit into cookie-cutter protocols.
The path is customized to fit your needs.


Please note:

My availability for Zoom and in-person sessions is limited, but I do have space for those who need personalized guidance. However, the best way to begin your Somatics journey is to start with my Begin Here Basics Playlist on YouTube. These videos are designed to help you explore the foundational movements of the Eric Cooper Somatics Method at your own pace.

Work from the top of the list. The further you go, the more complete your basic understanding will be.

If you find that you need special adaptations or deeper insight into your unique patterns, I’d love to work with you. Reach out to schedule a session, and together, we can tailor the process to meet your specific needs.


Still have questions?

Please contact me at:


734-436-1041 call/text



Client posts on her Facebook page (she was about to cancel her trip):

“Total *SHOUT-OUT* to Eric Cooper! I had sudden onset of pain and immobility in hip/sacrum/back area, (difficulty bending, sitting, standing up, etc.) a day before a major trip with air and car travel, etc. Eric Cooper responded immediately, and after a two-hour session working with him, I was 90+% better, and will be departing as planned today! He is the real deal! So grateful!” -C., Uof M professor

Two months after an in-person office session, client writes:
“The session changed my approach to the stress in my body. It has forever changed me. I’ve never felt better.” -J., Retired Radiologist

“The [back] spasms have ended.”
-N. Grandmother

“I feel so different. The energy’s flowing through my body. It’s really nice.”
-M.. Cardiac Intensive Care Nurse


“I am feeling so well I just have to let you know! I have almost no aches or pains! 

When I first came to see you I was a mess, especially with the pain in my hip that I have had for over 10 years. I am thrilled to say that it has receded into the background. I am really glad I came to see you for more than one or two sessions, because the other areas you worked on seem to have been connected with the hip pain. 

A “freeness” has come over me that I haven’t felt for 2 decades! Instead of feeling my age (63) I have been able to go back to a level of ballet dancing that I enjoyed in my 30’s and 40’s. Much, much thanks!” – Cheryl, Retired Music Teacher, Ballet Dancer